Sunday, September 9, 2012

Division of economic pie and politics in our contemporary history

Division of economic pie between us.
BY: Prof Abdi Ali Jama.
(Aan maalno hasheena mandeeq)
Traditions and customs played the major role in determining how the economic pie is divided amongst our ancestors and forbearers when there was neither national government nor big towns or rather black holes -if you like- that swallowed our essence and identity; and what is worse is that we never know when the dawn will come to end this long dark bumpy journey.
Dear reader, Don’t get me wrong, I am not against modern life under national sovereign state and metropolitan city life; however, I hate blind imitation as much as I hate plagiarism and take pity on my generation and upcoming ones for the difficulty and the wrong direction they have been forced to go through, paying a very high price for minor pitfalls, but catastrophic in macro-level, that could have been averted.
You may be wondering and asking me as you read this article, who did the mistake, and what were the causes. In succinct answer, I would say unequivocally: the biggest culprit was lack of leadership; and as for the question who was responsible, I could say they were the small elite who were not professionals in leadership and management but just amateurs and non creative; and later on, after 1996 military revolution, the generals and colonels who used the national flag, army and sovereignty  to suppress people and harnessed the state to enrich themselves  and could not see the forest from the trees.(trees being their narrow interest, forest stand here for common interest ).
Since independence of 1960, when national state came into existence, governmental authority that commenced to function accessed the national resources like any other administration in the world by different means through ministry of treasury, central bank, red tape and so on. But don’t forget that our society was not exposed to national government ruling before. Nevertheless, the elite misused the national resources by using printed money irresponsibly without resorting to parliament for approval causing inflation and wreak havoc in the stability and tranquility of the economy.
Besides accessing the national resource through taxing, money printing and bribery, they also embezzled the foreign aid and even put us under debt by borrowing money from international counterparts. Rural people also started to migrate in large numbers to the big cities where the she-camel(the economic pie) is being milked(aan maallo hasheena mandeeq),in order to get their share after having realized that they would never be remembered by government officials who were extremely engrossed into the embezzlement of public money and retaining of power at any cost.
We cannot deny the role that market played in dividing the economic pie along with customs and state. However, the same way customs or traditions dwindled in dividing the pie when people migrated to urban cities, the market also lost leverage to central government, especially after Siad Barre military coup, after he adopted a  very radical socialism that further weakened the private sector by nationalizing the key economic resources..
In the end, government increasingly became the ultimate hand that would divide the economic pie amongst us. Unfortunately, those who were in power, both civilians and military, never felt full legitimacy, so they started to use the national resources along with political power to corrupt people by dividing them into tribal lines which ended up to the black hole that we are still struggling to escape one day, so that we would be able to get conscience back and put the derailed train back to the right track.
As Somalilanders, it looks we’ve overcome many challenges and failures for the last two decades compared to our southern brethren, but in my view we are probably ending up into the same black hole-- business as usual-- if we fail to create full fledged, free from corruption state where rule of law is prevailing. History punishes hard for those who repeat past mistakes!!!.  History repeats itself, but we should not let it repeat itself this time, simply because repentance will not be accepted any more….red card awaits. Be careful you guys!!!
Prof: Abdi Ali Jama

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