Saturday, August 10, 2013

Trajectory redirected.

Trajectory redirected; By: Prof. Abdi Ali Jama.

National economic pillars comprise public, private and charity sector including international aid. When it comes to fighting against public epidemics, only public sector and NGO’s are involved. The question is: where is private sector?. The private sector is pivotal constituent for health issues as well as for other national priorities.

We need to redirect the trajectories of all the three pillars in terms of roles and responsibilities that they might play in contributing towards achieving national health policies. When it comes to public sector, there is always ministry of health and other national health agencies.  There is some budget allocated. They try to carry out their mandate with collaboration of national and international NGO’s.

However, private sector does own private hospitals that provide health services, but naturally to non epidemic diseases. They could contribute to non governmental charity organizations especially to local ones by donating funds that are very much needed in the sector. In this domain, only international NGOs do provide funds. In here, we mean by private not only private hospital but wider business people in different industries.

Private sector are supposed to play role in plague-like diseases, not only by making money from their private hospitals that provide non-epidemic health services,  but also to change direction by giving money to charity organizations that are devoted to fight against epidemic diseases. Simply because, such diseases are primarily public health issues and cannot be, naturally, business projects that yield profit.

However, charity organizations (local NGO’s) should be trustworthy and credible, so much people would entrust donations to them. This would take time and entail certain fundamental changes in attitude, motives and perceptions. Notwithstanding, the prospective of doing this is not bleak.

Finally, thanks to general public or tax payers that do pay taxes to the government.  They are also required to donate money to charity -- non governmental organizations--, which in their turn would fight against epidemic diseases, knowing the fact that such culture of donation is somehow alien to us.

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